Communication Workshops

public workshops

We offer a variety of public workshops from beginner to advanced and all flavors in between.



customized workshops for businesses, schools, non profits, municipalities, and prisons

  • Would you or your organization benefit from simple direct skills for communicating and connecting even in the midst of stress and conflict?

  • Do you want clear authentic communication that enhances the mission and vision of your organization?

  • Do you want your organization to have the skills to contribute to a sustainable future?

As trainers, we enjoy sharing the skills associated with Nonviolent Communication (NVC), the work developed by clinical psychologist Marshall Rosenberg, PhD. Dr. Rosenberg developed this body of work over the course of 40 years and the NVC community is currently active in 65 countries. We also draw from the work of Sarah Peyton (neuroscience educator), Sheila Heen & Douglas Stone (Thanks for the Feedback) and a variety of International trainers. Our work is enhanced by long standing personal connections to mindfulness.

Learn practical communication skills that work in all contexts and increase empathy for yourself and for others. We build our presentations and workshops around your structures and needs. 

We offer specially tailored workshops & support in the following:

  • Open Communication (Basic NVC & Neuroscience)

  • Giving & Receiving feedback

  • Working with Conflict

  • Enhancing Empathy/Resonance

  • Third-sider skills (Mediation)

  • Ongoing integration of workshop content through coaching and/or supporting practice groups

  • Advanced Nonviolent Communication training


Open Communication Workshops

Open Communication is our synthesis of Nonviolent Communication, empathy and neuroscience. We help individuals develop communication skills that support them in taking more personal responsibility, while providing meaningful skills to create more connection even when conflict arises. These skills also can mitigate the effects of personal and systemic trauma on communication.  The result is more authentic harmony and productive communication to get the work done.

These skills help people think in a way that enhances collaboration, trust and sustainable working relationships.

Our offerings range from the beginning basics to advanced NVC integration.


giving & receiving Feedback Workshops

Giving and Receiving Feedback is our synthesis of Nonviolent Communication and the work of Douglas Stone & Sheila Heen as presented in the book Thanks for the FeedbackWork teams ( and families!! ) benefit from being able to give and receive feedback that supports individual growth and group effectiveness.



Drawing from a broad and deep interest in conflict, we have developed a workshop that includes

  • The neuroscience of reactivity

  • Ways to enhance regulation both of self and others

  • De-escalation

  • Exploring how clarity about roles and responsibilities can increase or diminish conflict

  • Shifting conflict from something to be avoided, managed or suppressed to a shared dilemma that can be addressed with mutuality.


enhancing empathy/resonance

There is a growing understanding of the importance of empathy/resonance as a component of sustainable human relationships.

This aspect of Nonviolent Communication and neuroscience can be taught as a stand alone skill which will help strengthen the bonds within the workplace. Our workshops can address both holding empathy for others and enhancing self-empathy.  



Third-Sider Workshops link our Nonviolent Communication and mediation offerings. Once the basic Open Communication workshops are complete, select people can receive advanced training in applying these skills to resolving conflicts between other people. We call these skilled people “third-siders.” They receive basic mediation skills in addition to deepening their Nonviolent Communication capacities.


We offer long term NVC instruction to add depth and capacity once the fundamentals are learned. We build a delivery structure tailored to your situation. We also offer a public year long program that is currently being offered online.