
Mediation is an assisted conversation where people are supported

in being heard and hearing each other about what matters most.

how does mediation work?


Mediation usually beings with the mediator meeting with each participant individually, confidentially and in private for one or more pre-mediation preparation sessions before bringing everyone together. In these sessions we provide support for you to fully explore the issues, leading to clarity about the key challenges and your hoped outcomes.


In a mediation session, the mediator and the participants come together for an assisted conversation. Space is made for each participant to speak about what they choose to speak about, with the mediator checking for accurate understanding. Our mediation is confidential and voluntary and we hold all sides with care. We do not influence decisions or pass judgment.  We are trained to listen and to assist people in speaking fully and being heard accurately which leads to solutions that were not previously apparent. We are comfortable mediating in a wide range of circumstances including communities, organizations, schools, families, and more. We are also experienced in the requirements of divorce and parental rights mediation in the state of Maine. See Agreement to Mediate.

An Alternate Option to Mediation is Conflict Coaching

Conflict coaching can be very helpful when it’s not possible to have a mediated conversation with the other person or when one is experiencing conflict within oneself (such as being conflicted over a decision). In conflict coaching we assist you in working through the dynamics of a conflict in one-on-one sessions to gain more personal peace and well-being around the issue. To learn more about types of coaching Clarity Services provides