We will build our presentations and services based on your goals and resources.

Communication Workshops

Would your organization benefit from simple direct skills for communicating and connecting even in the midst of stress and conflict? We enjoy sharing the skills associated with Nonviolent Communication (NVC), the work developed by clinical psychologist Marshall Rosenberg, PhD., combined with current neuroscience. Our dynamic interactive workshops give everyone the skills to build authentic harmony.  



Facilitation is the process of increasing the ease & effectiveness with which a group functions. Whether it’s a board of directors, a department at work, a church committee or an activist organization, people have come together to work toward a particular purpose. There are problems to solve, tasks to complete, and decisions to make, and it is not unusual to run into rough waters at times. We can guide you to greater creativity, sustainable efficiency and effectiveness. 



Through mediation we support people in communicating about challenging topics by helping them express what matters most and assisting them in hearing and understanding each other accurately. These conversations often lead to outcomes that are satisfying for all involved.



We offer customized support in moving toward your goals utilizing the insights of Nonviolent Communication and neuroscience.