with Certified Trainer Peggy Smith
Four sessions of 1.5 hours each. 4:00 - 5:30
Tuesdays Sept 20 & 27, October 4 & 18 (Note no class on October 11)
Do people seem more edgy and argumentative these days? Would you like your own inner voice to be nurturing and supportive during challenging moments? Are you eager to support the emotional well-being of the people around you during these high-stress times? Could you use some easy-to-learn tools to help calm things down without using punishment or fear? Tools you could readily employ to mitigate conflict between students, dispel tension during customer service interactions, reduce workplace friction and intentionally minimize stress with your family and friends?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, this interactive online Resonant Language workshop will offer you many tools to move toward your goals.
Participants will learn practical strategies for helping calm strong emotions in ourselves and others. Together, we’ll delve into verbal and somatic strategies to move away from brittle reactivity and into resilient responsiveness. You will leave this course with an understanding of how neuroscience and resonant language can help strengthen harmony and authentic connection.
Participants: Minimum 10/Maximum 25
Pricing $175